Footbarn's Celebration of Theatre: Theater X-Net

Starring: Ida Rubinstein Belle Epoch Russian/Parisian beauty.
Ida's Places in Paris -- from my first jet-lagged day by the Seine.
Read more about Ida in Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley

Visit: Michael's Montana Web Archive
Theater, Art, Flash Gordon, Funky Music and MORE!
NEW! Spitfires of the Spaceways
Watch Dale Arden rescue Flash Gordon for a change!
Charity Alert: Make a Spring resolution to click on The Hunger Site every day.
In The Community: The Children's and High School Art reception at Hockaday Museum of Art went off well. Last night's fundraiser to help rebuild the trails in Glacier National Park devastated by last Autumn's extreme weather was very well-attended -- thanks to all our speakers, their stunning photographs, and especially to organizers Jane, Mary, and Michael, plus the volunteers who stuck around to help clean the place up afterward and make it look like an Art Museum again.
At the college from 1-3 PM today, there is a rally and community photo to support the National Day of Climate Action as part of a nationwide campaign entitled Step It Up 2007 that is directed toward the United States Congress to build awareness of global warming issues. After all, what WILL we name Glacier National Park if all the glaciers are gone?
Media Watch: It's Saturday, so that means OPERA on our local National Public Radio station! This week they're featuring a Zeferelli production of Pucinni's last great hit Turnadot from the mid 1920's. Of course we couldn't see Franco's lavish visuals, but Nessun Dorma always makes my speakers ring so beautifully. One of the best broadcasts this season was a performance featuring Maria Callas from 1958 -- let's see, I was in third grade when it was recorded, and Howdy Doody was still on TV. Young as I was, I enjoyed the Firestone Theater, which featured classical music in primetime back then.
Elizabeth Berkeley was on MSNBC, talking about rebuilding her career after the Showgirls debacle in the mid-90's. It was a lousy movie for sure, but it wasn't HER fault that the script, direction, and point-of-view were so unpleasantly sleazy that any truth about LaLa Land's playground, Las Vegas, was buried under mean-spirited male fantasies which entertained nobody. It COULD have been successful in many ways, but wasn't. I've noticed that Berkeley's co-star Gina Gershon has restored her own career too, but it's taken them over a decade. Neither one is on my list of favorite actors, since I haven't seen much of their work, but they never deserved the treatment they got in the wake of a bad break that wasn't their making. (NOTE: I have written some good words about the movie Picture Claire with Ms. Gershon and Juliett Lewis.)

A.K.A. Verhoeven & Eszterhas' Folly