Last night, there was a large male Whitetail Deer leaping around the low rock wall surrounding the popular Conrad Mansion. It looks like a pair of Ravens are nesting in a tall tree on the edge of the bluff across the street from that same mansion.
Sitemeter Sez: Visitors from NYC, New York; Kaysville, Utah; Edmonton, Alberta; Mesa, Arizona; Coquitlam, British Columbia; Boston, Massachusetts; Sestri Levante, Italy; Detroit, Michigan; Sharon, Wisconsin; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Reading, Pennsylvania; Flowood, Mississippi and San Marcos, Texas.
ROCK against Reaganomics at: Theater X-Net

Starring: Ida Rubinstein Belle Epoch Russian/Parisian beauty.
Ida's Places in Paris -- from my first jet-lagged day by the Seine.
Read more about Ida in Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley

Visit: Michael's Montana Web Archive
Theater, Art, Flash Gordon, Funky Music and MORE!
NEW --Launching NOW! Outre Space Cinema -- Featuring: 1930's Rocketry, Spitfires of the Spaceways and Cellulose to Celluloid, Flash Gordon in the Saturday Matinees and Sunday Comics.

Many thanks to Jim Keefe (Visit his Website) -- the LAST Flash Gordon illustrator of the 20th Century, and Flash's first illustrator of the 21st, for his recommendations -- HERE!
Charity Alert: Check into Terra Sigilata blog -- donate $$$ to cancer patients just by clicking onto the site. Keep that Resolution to click on The Hunger Site every day.
In The Community: The Hockaday Museum of Art's has Rails, Trails, and A Road -- honoring the 75th Anniversary of Going To The Sun Road in Glacier National Park, formally starts TONIGHT! The whole Hockaday staff have been bustin' their tails to make this one of our best shows EVER!
There is another party tonight at the McDonald Lodge in the Park itself substituting for their formal commemoration at Logan Pass, which is still buried under many feet of snow. The Continuing Education Dept. at FVCC has a presenter going around the region speaking about Going-To-The-Sun Road with multi-media material co-created my yours truly.

Where's Mama? by Mark Ogle -- a new acquisition at the Hockaday Museum.
Check out Fall for Glacier -- a fundraiser for several programs that make Glacier National Park even better!
Photos from The Road:

Theater/Theatre: Footsbarn Theatre checks in!

Footsbarn Theatre's Shakespeare Party at the Globe Theatre in London, May, 2008

What are those wild & crazee Bindlestiffs doing?
Circus Skills Summer Camp in Hudson, NY
July 28-August 1, 2008 At Time and Space Limited, 434 Columbia Street in Hudson
Summer camp will run 10 am to 1 pm daily Tuition: $200 Register with Maija Reed by calling 518-822-8448 Tuesday thru Friday or email:
Time and Space Limited and The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus are pleased to partner on our second Circus Skills Workshop for youth! Your child will explore a multitude of magnificent Circus Skills including: 3 object Juggling with balls, scarves, rings and clubs; Funambulistic follies with stilts, rolling globe, rolla bolla and low tightwire; exciting Equilibristics with feather and cane balancing; Manipulative Miscellanea with diabolo, devil sticks, poi and hat tricks; astounding Acrobatics with partner assisted poses and group pyramids.
Recommended for ages 8 and up (may be 7 if child has prior Circus or gymnastic experience) Sign up now, enrollment is limited to 24 participants!
One Day Introductory to Circus Arts Workshop
July 22, 2008, Tuesday At the Hudson Opera House 327 Warren Street, Hudson, NY
One Day Introductory Class: Bindlestiff Family Cirkus co-founder Stephanie Monseu offers a FREE introductory workshop for youth in basic juggling and other fun Circus Skills. This is a perfect program to get a taste of what we will be offering at the summer camp.
Sessions are as follows: youth ages 8-12 from 10 am - 11:30 youth ages 13-18 from 1pm - 2:30pm Register with Joe Herwick at 518-822-1438 or email

Bindlestiff Family Cirkus returns to the Spiegeltent --
August 15 - 17, 2008 At the Spiegeltent (in conjunction with the Fisher Center for the Performing Arts Bard College, Annandale-on-the Hudson, NY -- As part of the 2008 Summerscape, Bindlestiff Famiy Cirkus returns to the magnificent Spiegeltent to present two types of performances:
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Evening Cabaret Performances
Bindlestiff presents a louche Cabaret informed by passionate embraces, a hair's breadth, silken acrobatics, unequivocal equipoise, sophisticated manipulation and physical poetry. Our galaxy of luminaries includes Ariele Ebacher, Adam Kuchler, Ringmistress Philomena and Mr. Pennygaff... with special guest stars, including a visit from the dark horse Presidential Candidate. August 15 and 16 at 8:30 pm (rated PG13), $25
Bindlestiff Family Cirkus Family Fare
The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus presents a frolicsome folly for families and children of all ages... join your Ringmistress Philomena in the marvelous spiegelent and witness the balletic beauty of Miss Ariele as she dances upon the tightwire... marvel at the dazzling dexterity of Adam Kuchler and his Cigar Box manipulations... guffaw a Kinko's sadsack misadventures...gasp at Mr. Pennygaff swallows blades of steel... and shimmy in your seats to toe tapping Live circus tunes. August 16 at 3:30 pm (rated G), $15 ($5 children) August 17 at 1 and 3:30 pm (rated G), $15 ($5 children)
For more details and tickets: http://www. bard. edu/pac/summerscape/
Upcoming Bindlestiff Events
* Bindlestiff Family Cirkus at Peekskill Celeberation, Peekskill, NY 8/2/08
* Bindlestiff Family Cirkus at Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NY 8/3/08
* Bindlestiffs at Virgin Fest, Baltimore, MD 8/9-10/08
* Bindllestiff Family Cirksu on Hudson Waterfront, Hudson, NY 8/24/08
* Bindlestiff Family Cirkus' "Kinko for President Campaign" show on tour Sept. 08
* Next Cavalcade of Youth Programs in NYC are 9/28/08 and 11/16/08
Bindlestiff Web Site has a new look!
If you have not visited the web site in the last month, please do.
Many updates still coming, but to get your taste of Bindle, stop by http://www. bindlestiff. org.
Kinko the Clown wins "Clown of the Year Award
Kinko the clown is Clown of the Year!
On May 19th at an all star event, New York Downtown Clown presented Kinko the Clown the top honor at the ONLY Clown Awards Show in North America- The New York Downtown Clown Golden Nose Awards -- Visit http://www. newyorkdowntownclown. com/awards. htm for more information
Visit Kinko For President Dot Com -- The Campaign is in full swing. See news releases, Kinko's platform, schedule updates, contests, and see how you can join the campaign at http://www. kinkoforpresident. com

Electoral Madness: John McCain 's chief lobbyist invites terrorist attacks on our country, while Congress, including Barack Obama, CAVE to Bu$hCo on the un-needed, un-wanted, and un-ethical TelCo Amnesty Bill.
Ya' sold it all that cheap, huh?