Thursday, February 03, 2005

Weather: Cold with a gorgeous red sky this morning -- snow is predicted this weekend.

Wildlife: The two Bald Eagles sure had wet feet standing on the lake -- there was a layer of water at least an inch deep (2.5 cm) over everything. There going to be ice skating when it freezes solid again.

Charity Alert: Breast Cancer Site -- The related Children's Health Site is doubling it's contribution for each "click" in February!

In the Community: We display ceramics like we display sculpture at the Hockaday Museum of Art, but they are only related art forms -- this new show has ceramics of all kinds, from practical pottery to hang-on-the wall decorative art. My favorites so far are Sue Abbrescia's beautiful hand-built vessels: Scroll down to see an example of Sue's artistry
Eric Kaplan's photography show was hung by Prof. John Rawlings M.F.A. at Flathead Valley Community College, under the sponsorship of Prof. Gerda Reeb Ph.D, Multicultural Coordinator. (Eric's responsible for taking them home afterward.)

Media Watch: We like the silly BBC comedy series The Kumars at Number 42. "Boy George" O'Dowd was one of their guests last night -- dressed in a very spooky black outfit with a polychrome-painted face and an earring-to-nose chain. The overall wackiness seemed to bring him out from behind his mask, and he eventually talked like the Irish Londoner he really is.
That's what I like about The Kumars -- the guests start enjoying the experience of "taking the piss out of" these endless celebrity interview shows.
Yep, still reading P.D. James at bedtime.
(England is looking pretty good nowadays.)
What "State of the Union?" -- Divided, angry, with a government in the hands of theives. Why subject myself to confirmation of the worst of human nature?
For some reason I had an old crime movie called Heat running during my chores -- a waste of talent (Robert DeNiro, Al Paccino, Val Kilmer, Ashley Judd etc.), and as much a fantasy as Shrub's ugly worldview.

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