Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The deer disturbed a skunk who was gleaning the bird food on the ground. He gave 'em a shot of skunk-scent and came up on our deck for a minute.The Bald Eagles seem to put up with the neighbor's boat by the pond.

Michael "Kidd Funkadelic" Hampton: Theater X-Net

Featuring: Ida Rubinstein Belle Epoch Russian/Parisian beauty.
Read more about Ida in Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley

Visit: Michael's Montana Web Archive
Theater, Art, Flash Gordon, Funky Music and MORE!

Charity Alert: Keep that resolution in February too! Click on The Hunger Site every day.

In The Community: The Hockaday was written up in the NY Times for our Montana Impressionists show -- that and our other exhibits will be ending in two weeks -- get on down to:
Hockaday Museum of Art

Media Watch: Junque TV -- Skating with Celebrities AKA "Battle of the Blondes," followed the Olympics broadcasts. Nobody was going to watch rank amateurism while the real thing was going on anyway. Kristy Swanson and Lloyd Eisler work very well with each other. I think Swanson is a "follower." Jillian Barbarie is an aggressive "leader" type and I think her ambition led to being knocked about, and perhaps knocked down to second in this competition. There's ONE more show, though!
Better TV -- Those Olympic Closing Ceremonies were EXCELLENT! There were some silly moments, like the walking mountains, but those acrobats in the air column were something I'd never seen before.

One of several acrobats who floated in baggy costumes
on a 125 MPH column of air at the finale of the Torino Olympics
Digitized detail of an AP Photo by Paul Chiasson

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