Saturday, July 07, 2007

HOT weather -- hotter than Hell, and it's supposed to be Heaven on Earth around here. A huge forest fire sent up an anvil-style cloud to 40,000 feet, southwest of us in the Bridger Wilderness Area about 170 miles away.

Footbarn's Celebration of Theatre: Theater X-Net

Starring: Ida Rubinstein Belle Epoch Russian/Parisian beauty.
Ida's Places in Paris -- from my first jet-lagged day by the Seine.
Read more about Ida in Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley

Visit: Michael's Montana Web Archive
Theater, Art, Flash Gordon, Funky Music and MORE!
Spitfires of the Spaceways
UPDATED! Wilma Deering & Dale Arden to the rescue, hapless Aura II, and an essay on bodacious Princess Aura I

Charity Alert: Make a resolution this Summer to click on The Hunger Site every day.

In The Community: Saturday at the Hockaday Museum of Art is more like it should be -- we have visitors ambling through, trying to escape the 100+ degree (F) heat outside. We have replaced India with "Indians" -- Our First Nations display went up in the lower gallery within 24 hours, thanks to our Traveling Medicine Show, good database software for planning, plus plenty of grunting and groaning on the part of the Director, staff, and I.

What's up at the Hockaday now:

Media Watch: Live Earth may be just one more Rock Concert, but I'm glad they still exist, and still help garner attention for issues like Global Warming. (Did I mention how hot it was today? Thought so.) Ex-VP Al Gore has been a good frontman. I'm looking forward to seeing the original members of the Police perform together again.

Live Earth is an intercontinental event -- there's even an obscure band made up of scientists from Antarctica! I have no idea if they lip-synch'd or not, but the Pussy Cat Dolls were one of the acts performing in Giants Stadium USA. These ladies are good when they're funny -- they started as a burlesque-of-a-burlesque act over a decade ago in Hollywood. (Digital re-interpretation of something that is probably copyrighted by SOMEONE, but I'm blogging a reflection of it to show what's happening in the world today!)

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