Monday, May 17, 2004

Charity Alert: It's SO easy! The Rainforest Site: Help Save Our Rainforests!

Wildlife: Our backyard is an official National Wildlife Wild Bird Environment site -- we heard a new call early this morning, and have to identify the bird now!

Weather: Rain overnight, but it's gonna be warm today -- I'll be planting tomatos with water jackets anyway!

Media Watch: Rudraksh -- meaning 'talisman,' a somewhat juvenile Bollywood movie about an evil Rakesh (demon) vs. a good Brahmin -- he works as a bouncer in a strip bar -- the Brahmin that is.
Ha Ha Funkin' Ha -- That dawg-assed show Troy is number one at the box office, but it's also being viewed by some as an Anti-Iraq War movie:
Trojan War Shows Bush and Blair's Achilles' Heel Say Actors Who See a Modern-Day Similarity
Hey, if the sandal fits -- wear it!
Seriously, the Trojan War was a terrible disaster for both winners and losers.
The real historical event behind Homer's epic was just one example of the Aegean nations destroying their own prosperity and culture by mutual piracy -- much like my ancestors, the Germanic 'Barbarians' and Vikings, did in Europe a dozen or so centuries later.
'Dark Ages' of desperate mass migrations, poverty, squalor, and illiteracy followed victories by those rapacious armies, whose troops, and their families, ended up much worse off than they were before their 'glorious victories.'

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