Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Weather: Good -- TOO good!

Wildlife: The eagles sit by the aereator pond until it's nearly dark. I shouldn't have sprinkled suet onto my deck rails during the snowfalls -- the gooey stuff is smelly, gross and hard to remove when the air is above 40 (F).

Charity Alert: The Child Health Site A few clicks will do a lot of good.

In the Community: We are setting up yet another ceramics exhibit at the Hockaday Museum of Art -- see the latest: Current Exhibits at the Hockaday Museum

Theatrical Update: My ol' pals in Footsbarn Theatre are NOT coming to the Guthrie Theater in Minnesota anymore -- sponsors for Footsbarn's appearence at "World Stage" pulled-out sometime in early January.
I only found out because I bothered everybody in the company who had an email address until John Kilby wrote back to me, Nina, and Jacob to explain why we hadn't recieved any communications for a month.
(John had India to deal with, for sure, but we should have been clued-in sooner, I think.)
I've been out of that field for 25 years, and I forgot that things like this happen all the time. There's no business like show business!
Check out Footsbarn's tour of India and the Far East: Navigate to TOUR
Give some applause to Nina Cheney and Jacob Mills: Human Cartoons and Juggling Theatricks

Media Watch: Shouldn't outright lying in the State of the Union address be an impeachable offense? Yeah, it should qualify under "high crimes...!" What about claiming you didn't know what you said were actually lies? Negligence under "...and misdomeaners" will work. What we need is a propaganda tax -- then there will NEVER be a national debt.
Last night we saw another Queer Eye for the British Guy. The Fab Five's clients were an American couple. Thom said they lived in Colchester, which is a big hour or so east-northeast of London.
My guess is that the husband is a Ph.D candidate at the University of Essex.
(They never mentioned nearby Cambridge.)
Speaking of England, I'm reading The Murder Room by P.D. James. She is one heck of a good writer -- I can usually do without mystery novels, but her work possesses the qualities of well-drawn characters, and vivid details of real places around the British Isles.

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