Monday, March 21, 2005

Visit: A Tale of Two Movies

Weather: Snow every day, all through the weekend.

Wildlife: Skunk sighting! Big ol' thang (15 to 20 pounds)was wandering around our front and back yards, eating sunflower seeds and drinking water off our deck. The cats watched from inside, but didn't show any alarm or raise any fuss.

In The Community: Spring Break this week -- means I have to clean the %$#@! chalk dust off of our equipment in the classrooms. I will do some videotaping tomorrow and mid-week, though -- Current Events, and a science project.

Media Watch: The hypocrisy of our thoughoughly corrupt congress and administration trying to "look good" by intervening in the Terry Schiavo case has not gone unoticed by others. I don't like the thought of a helpless human being dying from court-enforced neglect, but media coverage of this horrible event has made me very aware that I know NOTHING about the real facts of her situation, even after a year or more of steady coverage.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction show was fairly entertaining -- I like the OJays, Pretenders, Percy Sledge, and U2.
Bono's observation about the music business "if it were the same twenty years ago, as it is now. There would be no U2," was mostly ignored.
Bo Diddley and Jerry Lee Lewis were both on their game -- even Paul Schaefer's quality band sometimes forgets how laid-back old Rock N' Roll's supposed to be played.
Why was Richard Gere shown all the time though? I don't really care to see Jann Wenner or Clive Davis every 15 minutes either.

1 comment:

  1. From "mongoemperor" on the Yahoo "Classic Adventure Comic Strips" list:
    Thank you for your work. I've bookmarked the site. I appreciate the thought and scholarship that you put into it, but actually just love stills from the Flash Gordon serials.

    My reply was:

    Thanks! You are so kind... (wait a minute, what's he saying?)

    >>but actually just love stills from the Flash Gordon serials. >>

    You mean you just "tuned in" for the sparks, smoke, and half-clad women!?! (Honestly, what can I expect from a Mongo Emperor?)
