Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Boycott Dancing with the Stars! (see below) The weather was excellent after last night's rain. I saw a spikey young Whitetail buck grazing near Woodland Park, and a large Hawk reconoitering the Slough.

Sitemeter Sez: Visitors from Minneapolis, Minnesota; Spring Valley, Ohio; Delft, Holland; and Moscow, Russia.

REAL SLC Punk, not the movie, at: Theater X-Net

Starring: Ida Rubinstein Belle Epoch Russian/Parisian beauty.
Ida's Places in Paris -- from my first jet-lagged day by the Seine.
Read more about Ida in Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley

Visit: Michael's Montana Web Archive
Theater, Art, Flash Gordon, Funky Music and MORE!
Spitfires of the Spaceways
Wilma Deering & Dale Arden to the rescue; Bodacious Princess Aura I; Hapless Aura II; The fiery Emperor Ming; The Orson Welles Rumor Debunked; and BOTH incarnations of Jean Rogers!

Thanks to Jim Keefe (Visit his Website) -- the LAST Flash Gordon illustrator of the 20th Century, and Flash's first illustrator of the 21st, for his recommendations -- HERE!

Charity Alert: Keep that Resolution to click on The Hunger Site every day. Also check into Terra Sigilata blog -- donate $$$ to cancer patients just by clicking onto the site.

Media Watch: Sabrina Bryan was the BEST dancer on Dancing with the Stars, and her dance Monday night was the second or third best. The judges gave her two 8s and one 9 when the least she deserved was three 9s -- she was graceful, skillful, and made NO mistakes, but they penalized her for dancing "too hard." Those marks put Bryan near the bottom of the rankings, and after the fans voted, she had the lowest overall score. If the judges had rewarded her for the quality of her onstage work, rather than trying to "teach her a lesson" by harsh, but subjective, judgements which NONE of the other contestants had to face, she would have had the ranking she actually earned, and stayed in the competition.
Len and Bruno complained about the AUDIENCE shortchanging Sabrina, but they should be looking in their hotel mirrors tonight -- if they wanted to keep her on the show, they should have given her numbers which would have kept her on the show. They are responsible for their best dancer going away and leaving a far inferior crowd on the dance floor.
This show has no credibility anymore. I used to call it Trash A Go Go as a joke, since it was a guilty pleasure, but it's no joke when they cheat real winners like Kelly Monaco, then put on another supposedly ineligible ABC employee, shaft better dancers in favor of sports stars with huge fan bases like Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith, or worse, jettison learners with potential for incompetent schlubs like Jerry Springer. Whatever system they have needs tweaking. "Cheetah Girl" was "Cheatah'd."

Watch out for the rampaging Cheetah Grrrl! Freely redigitized from Dan Zolnerowich's cover of Sheena #2 (1942), thanks to the Grand Comics Database.

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