Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The roads cleared off thanks to temperatures JUST above freezing, and that devil's bargain, salt on the pavement.

Sitemeter Sez: Visitors from Jamaica, New York; Portland, Oregon USA and Dundee City in the U.K.

REAL SLC Punk, not the movie, at: Theater X-Net

Starring: Ida Rubinstein Belle Epoch Russian/Parisian beauty.
Ida's Places in Paris -- from my first jet-lagged day by the Seine.
Read more about Ida in Sisters of Salome by Toni Bentley

Visit: Michael's Montana Web Archive
Theater, Art, Flash Gordon, Funky Music and MORE!
Spitfires of the Spaceways
Wilma Deering & Dale Arden to the rescue; Bodacious Princess Aura I; Hapless Aura II; The fiery Emperor Ming; The Orson Welles Rumor Debunked; and BOTH incarnations of Jean Rogers!

Thanks to Jim Keefe (Visit his Website) -- the LAST Flash Gordon illustrator of the 20th Century, and Flash's first illustrator of the 21st, for his recommendations -- HERE!

Charity Alert: Make a Holiday Resolution to click on The Hunger Site every day. Also check into Terra Sigilata blog -- donate $$$ to cancer patients just by clicking onto the site.

In The Community: Redesigning the Hockaday Museum of Art's webpage again -- I'm going to include long-ago former director's Karen Leigh's recent fete at the White House soon. She teaches at my college too -- excellent watercolorist.

Theater/Theatre: Here's a review of Katie Duck's recent New York performance:
From an article by Wendy Perron on Tuesday, Dec 04, 2007 for Dance Magazine

... Katie Duck is the Zorba the Greek of improvisation: earthy, feeling every mode of sensuality, preposterous, irresistible, polymorphously perverse. Watching her dance is like watching her body think. She is responsive to every situation and obviously enjoys getting into trouble.
This piece with K.J. Holmes and Justin Morrison is sort of a round robin of quasi-sexual encounters, punctuated by nicely ridiculous utterances. There was an acknowledgement on the one hand of how inherently absurd performing is, and on the other how inherently physical-bordering-on-the-sexual it can be. It’s about bodies moving, bodies being attracted to each other.
True to her mercurial (yet also somehow grounded) self, she performed a haphazardly erotic duet with Morrison, but later confessed her love (in mock Shakespearean tones) to Holmes.
In the best improvisation you can’t tell what’s planned and what isn’t, but it all seems to flow, and this was true here.
At the end, Duck is out in dark space alone, while Holmes and Morrison are up on the altar inching toward each other. The lights fade as they get very very close to kissing.

At the end, Duck is out in dark space alone...
OK, reading about Katie named as just DUCK brings this image to my overly-literal mind. That's her in the colorful center. One of these days somebody's gotta tell the story of WHY she calls herself Katie Duck. I know 90% of it, but I'm NOT writing it down without her permission and input.
BTW -- check out the Duck's Breath Website too.

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