Friday, December 12, 2003

Weather: It's trying to snow! We haven't seen the sun for a couple of days either.

Wildlife: Partridges running with me when I left the driveway this morning. I have to reload the suet feeders this evening too.

Charity Alert: The Hunger Site : Give Food for Free to Hungry People in the World

Media Watch: Bill Cosby on CNN two nights ago -- He was talking about diet mostly, but Larry King mentioned his son's death and Cosby told how a certain response from the public was the LAST thing he ever wanted to see; "... these people saw me in their car and their faces turned sad and pitiful. I was used to the opposite -- faces lighting up, and people telling me how much I made them laugh!"
I'm almost finished with Richard Elliott Friedman's Who Wrote The Bible? It makes you wish, for a brief moment, that you could read Hebrew well enough to join the game. The plausibility of his scenario makes for a challenging read -- Let's see, E is from Assyrian-conquered Israel, J is from Judah, P is from the Aaronic priests, D is from Jeremiah or his circle, before and after the fall of the first temple, and R the redactor, or editor might be just be Ezra, agent of the Persian king, with the Torah of Moses in his posession.
There was a TV show on the History Channel recently with that same title -- it included the writing/gathering of the Greek and Latin bibles, plus some New Testament history.

At the College: A lot of people catching the flu -- the slackers are loving it for the excuses they get to use!

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