Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Wildlife: A small, very dark, squirrel has found the box feeder now. The skunk checked out where it USED to be, and left immediately.

Weather: An almost cloudless "big sky," kinda chilly, though. I was gardening yesterday evening -- getting some of those bloody weeds out before they flower. The Summer Solastice is next week, but we're still getting snow above 5000 feet.

Charity Alert: The Rainforest Site: Help Save Our Rainforests!

At The College: Inventory time! Serial numbers et cetera. Dubbing some songs from Angela Lansbury's Mame in 1966 -- one of those big successes that helped KILL Broadway for half a generation. Why? The same authors wrote Inherit The Wind, which is played (on video) in the Humanities classes.
It's really too bad that the Scopes Trial, and attendant religeous fervor, is relevant at all today, but we have "Intelligent (sic) Design" and "Creationism" being pushed on people by well-heeled manipulators like Ayatollah Robertson.

Media Watch: Read about Robert Boyle in The Scientists, told in the context of the English Civil War. Very good, Mr. Gribben! Barnes & - The Scientists: A History of Science Told Through the Lives of Its Greatest Inventors
Queer Eye For The Straight Guy -- Carson's gotta stop breaking things! That riff of throwing couches etc. out of windows is stupid, and needs a rest too.
NPR reported that Tom Delay has finally drawn an ethics complaint from an outgoing Texas congressman. It's about time!

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